Monday, March 12, 2012

Classification System

To make the blog easier to use for its intended purpose (helping people find books they might like to read) I've decided to classify all the books I've read based on what type of book it is, and who I think would like to read it.  Clearly this is an ongoing and evolving project!  For now, here is a summery of the classification system I am currently using:

1-Beach read
2-New to scifi
3-Luxurious read
4-Hardcore scifi/fantasy
5-Occasional reader
6-I didn't like it

And now for a more in depth explanation:

1-Beach read
These books are quick and often mindless.  They are good for a day at the beach or a long plane ride.  People who don't often enjoy reading may also like these books.

2-New to scifi
I know that scifi can seem a forbidding and crazy world from the outside.  These books are definitely scifi, but more friendly for those who have a hard time with really crazy scifi concepts. 

3-Luxurious read
I would compare reading these books to eating your favorite food, lying on a picturesque field filled with flowers, snuggling in bed, floating peacefully on a pool float, chilling in a hot tub,  and every other decadent experience I can imagine, all at the same time.  These books sometimes progress slowly, so aren't always new-reader friendly.

4-Hardcore scifi/fantasy
Pretty self-explanatory.  If you like scifi or fantasy,  you will probably like this book.  If you generally don't enjoy scifi/fantasy, try a different book!  

5-Occasional reader
If you enjoy reading but don't really get to do it so often, these are books you might enjoy.  They may not be catching enough for non-readers, but they are definitely interesting without falling into any sort of extremes (extremely scifi, extremely trashy, etc)

6-I didn't like it
Just because I didn't like it doesn't mean you won't like it!  These are books that, for whatever reason, I didn't find interesting.  

Every labelled book in the list on the right-hand side now has a category, according to this system!


The Forever War by Joe Haldeman
Prelude to Foundation by Isaac Asimov
Foundation by Isaac Asimov

Through a Scanner Darkly (graphic novel version) by Philip K Dick 

Every now and then I try and become more well-versed in scifi.  'My' genre is definitely scifi, but I am constantly aware of how pitifully few of the classics I have read, and how poorly versed I am in the genre.  (Sure I can help a newbie get started, but I haven't read anything by many of the 'big great' authors: Dick, Asimov, Clark, etc) So from time to time I 'work' on broadening the breadth of my scifi literacy.  This is definitely in part a rebound from the Card kick!

Oh and if you were wondering, The Forever War was great!  I read it in about 24 hours.  At first I thought I wouldn't like it, but I really got sucked in.  I'd suggest it for people who like: scifi, military fiction, futuristic dystopia.  Those new to scifi might have a hard time though.  

Really enjoyed the Foundation books.  Just ordered some more from the library.  Only for real scifi lovers though.  (But scifi fans will love it!) 

Through a Scanner Darkly was weird and trippy and reminded me of A Clockwork Orange a little.  Has scifi undertones but could probably be mainstream enough for a general fiction reader.  I didn't realize that I'd ordered the graphic novel version.  I wonder if the non-graphic novel version is different/better/worse?  Not sure I'd have the patience for it though.


Continuing the Card kick...

Again, all by Orson Scott Card:
Children of the Mind
Shadows in Flight

I'm pretty meh about these books.  Shadows in Flight is simply the most recent Ender's Game book which I obviously had to read.  Honestly it wasn't all that good and didn't really add all that much to the series aside from highlighting one tiny detail.

I love Xenocide and Children of the Mind, but in a very passive way mostly to do with how I felt about them in the past than to do with my current reading experience.

This is the end of the Card kick, so get ready for some variety coming up!