Monday, May 19, 2014

February, March, April, May (?!)

I've been reading this semester, I swear.  Its just taken a long time and the semester was... challenging.  Its all over now though so I can work at my leisure and post here too!

Earth Afire - Orson Scott Card
Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson
The Well of Ascension - Brandon Sanderson
The Hero of Ages - Brandon Sanderson
The Alloy of Law - Brandon Sanderson
WWW: Wake - Robert Sawyer
Feed - M.T. Anderson

The shitty thing is that its really been too long since I read Earth Afire to comment on it well.  I think that I enjoyed it but wouldn't suggest it for anyone other than hardcore Card fans who want to know what happens.

The Mistborn series (all the Sanderson books) were amazing.  Unapologetically fantasy though, so if you love fantasy check these out and otherwise stay far away.  (I don't think these are the best intro-to-fantasy books, if you're looking to get into it but haven't enjoyed it in the past.)

WWW:Wake is some interesting and well written science fiction.  Again, not the best for non-scifi folks, but Card fans (and other scifi fans in general) would like this.

Feed is also scifi, although its really aimed at a YA audience.  If you get hung up on cliches and let-me-bang-you-over-the-head-with-how-I-can-reach-teens, don't go for this one.  But if you've liked YA in the past, this is a great book and I think it brings up some interesting questions about where people thought the world was going 10 years ago, and where we are now.