Here we go, the last bit of 2012!
Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss
Elantris by Brandon Sanderson
Pure by Julianna Baggott
Alright first of all, I think everyone would enjoy Name of the Wind. It tilts towards fantasy, but the writing is so vividly luscious and the story is so pulling that I think almost anyone would enjoy it. Its not a super fast read, but in this case that is a good thing. You can luxuriate slowly in the masterpiece of a book.
The Wise Man's fear is similar, but its just a tad less well written, in my opinion. Likely you will have been caught by Name of the Wind and that won't matter, but just a forewarning that the first book is better.
Elantris is a good book an interesting story, but seriously fantasy. Don't pick it up if you don't like fantasy. Its also not fantastically written, but if you enjoy good stories that are a little out of the ordinary, you'll probably like this book.
Pure is trash. Futuristic fantasy that reminded me of Hunger Games trash, but YA trash all the same. Get it for a plane ride or a beach trip, don't bother otherwise. Its a trilogy and I'm not going to bother getting the other books, I'm just going to read the synopsis on Wikipedia to assuage my curiosity. Also the pseudo-science just rubbed me the wrong way. Overall, not a horrible book, but definitely not something I'll pick up again any time soon.
And now, invisible ladies and gentleman, what you have all been waiting for, the final 2012 tallies!
I read 32 books in 2012 (~60% of a book each week), putting me a solid 12 books behind last year's 44. I embarked on several reading 'journeys' which took me far more time than I would have otherwise spent on books. The longest was my expedition of re-reading Harry Potter. I'm glad I did, but I won't be doing it again soon. I also re-read many Ender's Game books, but looking back those actually didn't take much time. I just read a lot of slow books, and read more slowly in general.
I've already finished my first 2013 book and I have a slew more on the agenda, so stay tuned for more good books!