The Angels Game, Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Snow Crash, Neil Stephenson
Divergant, Veronica Roth
The Gate Thief, Orson Scott Card
The Lost Gate, Orson Scott Card
I've been reading a bit faster I think lately. Also really these are mostly great books.
The Angels Game is a prequil to Shadow of the Wind, which I loved. I have to say I felt that this one was not quite as good, but thats really not a bad thing since Shadow of the Wind was so epically good. I'd definitely suggest this to people who read fiction on a semi-regular basis.
Snow Crash was an excellent romp through 'An America so strange that you'll recognize it immediately' (Or something like that... its a quote from the cover which was actually quite apt) Its simultaneously hilarious and a commentary on modern commercial culture. And the plot/imagery/characters are great too. Definitely check out this book.
Divergant was a Hunger Games esqe book. Good, but only because thats a fantastic formula to write good books. Great for the beach.
I'd already read the Lost Gate and liked it. I enjoyed it this time too, but the second reading wasn't as good as the first. And The Gate Thief was great because its always nice to follow up with characters and because I love Card, but probably isn't actually objectively good. Read only if you like Card and scifi.