Saturday, January 22, 2011

Back at School

I've just finished (literally, within the past minute) three books in one volume.  While this seems like quite a convenient way to read books, it can actually become quite annoying when you want to bring the book with you, as this thing is rather gargantuan.  Luckily I am done now, and will shortly move on to smaller books.  (On the topic of book size though, I really quite like mass markets because they sometimes fit into my coat pocket, and then I can actually take the book anywhere!  If the book is bigger, when it is raining or snowing, I'll zip the book into my coat, but then I look like I have an odd rectangular lump on my stomach, which is not desirable...) 

The book(s) I just finished are called The Abhorson Trilogy by Garth Nix, and the three are: Sabriel, Lirael, and Abhorsen.  Quite frankly, odds are that you would not like this book(s).  They are most definitely "high fantasy" whatever you want to take that to mean, and they are also young adult fiction which has its drawbacks.  I thought that the first book was not written very well, and I found myself laughing at the absurd fantasy most of the time.  Once I really got into the story though, I started to enjoy it.  I think the second book (Lirael) is the best of the three.  It was interesting, the main character is fascinating and likable, and the fantasy isn't so terribly absurd for most of it. 

Should you read these books?  Well if you don't generally read, I would *not* suggest you try and start with these.  If you read non-fiction, don't read these.  If you've never read fantasy before, don't read these.  If you don't like young adult, don't read these.  Et cetera, et cetera.  On the other hand, if you are an adventurous reader, and don't mind some really crazy stuff then try these books!  They are kind of cute, and really best suited for a 12 year old (or thereabouts) but some of us really like books like that!  Overall, I'm definitely glad I gave the books a chance, I had fun reading them.   

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