Title: Dragonhaven
Author: Robin McKinley
Did I like it: Not really
Should you read it: Not a chance
Synopsis: Adventures of a boy who lives in a national park that houses... yeah, dragons.
Finally, finally, FINALLY, I've finished this stupid book. I've read a bunch of other stuff by Robin McKinley, and I've liked most of it. This book was meant as YA, and, sorry Robin, it just doesn't work. The book is slow and the interesting parts are few and far between. Most of the book was spent describing things that I just didn't really care about. Oh, and the epilogue was about 50 pages. Instead of getting that "wooow" feeling upon finishing the book, all I really feel is "thank the lord I am DONE". I did kind of want to know what happened in the end, which is why I kept going, but found that nothing really happened in the end. Its as if this book reads more like fanfic of some other great book rather than as a book unto itself. (Does that grammar work?) Don't read this book. Hopefully my next book (which is by My Favorite Author Ever) will be better, but it looks like another attempt at YA...
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