Title: The Shadow of the Wind
Author: Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Did I like it: I was seriously considering making this my new favorite book, so yes.
Should you read it: Yes. If you only read one book this month (or semester or whatever), read this one.
Synopsis: A complicated weave about books, reading, writing, love, relationships, and the landscape of life. Also beautiful writing.
You may have noticed that its been a while, almost three weeks in fact! There are a few reasons for that. In part I was busy relishing this book, in the same way I take a lot longer to eat a good pickle. In other part I've been deep in the trenches of the job application process and a draft of my thesis is due on Wednesday, so I've been incredibly busy.
I absolutely adored this book. The writing was vivid, direct, and connecting. I didn't just fall into this book, I also admired the skill of the author. The story was also enrapturing, sentimental and sometimes surprising. The characters feel like real people and I miss them. I have a favorite character even though I don't usual feel so strongly about one character. I also spent a great deal of time being very mad at one character, another thing that doesn't usually happen to me.
You should read this book. No matter who you are, whether you like fiction or non-fiction, scifi or cookbooks. Whether you read regularly or have (somehow) never read before. This book was an experience for me, and I hope that you can have that experience too.
(As an end-note, it is not my new favorite but I don't want to say why because I don't want to influence your opinion of the book before you read it. If you read it and still want to talk about why its not my favorite, get in touch with me.)
You never told me you read Shadow of the Wind!! This is definitely in my top three favorite books of all time. Why did you stop loving it? <3 Luria