Picking up speed again
Title: The Host
Author: Stephanie Meyer
Did I like it: Yeah in a trashy-book kind of way
Should you read it: Its good to fill your reading schedule with something quick in a pinch
Synopsis: Think Animorphs only told from the Yeerk's perspective.
Yeah yeah I know she wrote the Twilight books. (And yeah yeah, I've read those too) This wasn't quite as bad as Twilight. It definitely held my attention. Also being a huge Animorphs fan, I liked the similarities. (When I was 10 I won 3rd place in a nationwide Animorphs writing contest!) It is true that sometimes the writing felt forced and her characters seemed to be intentionally acting dumb in order for the plot to work out correctly. Think Bella in the entire 2nd Twilight book.
So basically don't come into this expecting a luxurious experience full of depth, but if you need something to pass the time, this is your book
Title: A Clockwork Orange
Author: Anthony Burgess
Did I like it: It took a bit for me to get into it, but in the end I liked it.
Should you read it: I'm 50/50 on this one. Don't try it if you don't read often.
Synopsis: The daily life of a teenager in a dystopian future.
About 1/4 of the way into this book I felt as though I'd been reading it forever. My slew of slow books was never ending and I was seriously considering putting this book down in order to start something I knew I'd like, such as Ender's Game.
But I'd already done that enough recently (100 Years of Solitude I'm so sorry I just couldn't do it!) and I stuck with it. I'm so glad I did! When I finished this book I felt like it had changed my life. Maybe thats a bit over dramatic especially because I couldn't tell you quite HOW it did that, but it certainly left an impact. I also find myself referring to friends as droogs, guys as malchiks, and so on. I want to watch the movie soon too, but I hear it is quite trippy...
I'd suggest this book in the opposite of the situation I suggested the previous book, its definitely not for when you need something to pass the time!
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